Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas Memory

Clamorously- adj. loudly, noisily
Impetuously- adj. quickly, abruptly
Incandescent- adj. glowing, bright
Locale- noun. scene
Emanation- noun. Smell, effusion
Furbished- adj. decorated, decked out
Equable- adj. smooth, constant
Entwined- verb. curled, twisted around
Intoxicating- adj. exhilarating
Bliss- noun. euphoria

It was snowing. My toes were numb with the cold. Snowflakes dusted my hair and my eyelashes. The squeals of the other children rang clamorously in my ears as they flew impetuously down the hill on a red sleigh. I walked inside to warm myself by the fire. My ears, nose, and incandescent, young eyes took in the Christmas locale. The wintergreen emanation of a furbished tree, presents hiding underneath; the sight of too much food on the table; the sound of laughter thickening the air; the equable coat of a dog, which belonged to some distant relative, entwined around my small feet. The atmosphere was intoxicating. My earliest recollection of Christmas. Bliss.

1 comment:

APLITghosts said...

that sounds like bliss. - elmeer